Irmã de Beyoncé cancela show e revela doença

29 de dezembro de 2017, 18h17, por Alexandre Murari

Nesta semana, a cantora Solange Knowles cancelou a sua participação no festival "AfroPunk", que acontece nos dias 30 e 31 de dezembro deste ano, em Joanesburgo, na África do Sul.

Uma disautonomia, doença que ataca o sistema nervoso do corpo humano, foi o motivo do cancelamento.

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"É um diagnóstico complicado, e ainda estou aprendendo sobre isso. Às vezes me sinto bem, e outras não me sinto nada bem", relatou a irmã de Beyoncé sobre a sua doença em um post no Instagram.

A disautonomia é um transtorno no sistema nervoso autônomo que pode ter efeitos em várias funções involuntárias do corpo, como batimentos cardíacos, pressão sanguínea, temperatura corporal, suor, entre outros.

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Sem dar detalhes sobre os sintomas provocados pela sua disautonomia nem em que estágio ela se encontra, Solange diz que está tratando da doença há cinco meses. "No momento, os médicos não me liberaram para um voo tão longo", lamentou.


Wrote, deleted and re wrote this like 5 times... Still not sure what exactly or how much I want to share... However it’s so important to me for the people in South Africa, a place that has tremendous meaning to me and that has given me SO SO MUCH, to know why I won’t be performing at Afro Punk this NYE. The past five months I have been quietly treating, and working through an Autonomic Disorder. It been a journey that hasn’t been easy on me... Sometimes I feel cool, and other times not so cool at all. It’s a complicated diagnoses , and I’m still learning so much myself, but right now, my doctors are not clearing me for such an extended lengthy flight, and doing a rigorous show right after. I can’t put into words how saddened and sorry I am that I am unable to perform for you guys this NYE, there is simply no other place I wanted to be than there with my family to bring in 2018 with you.......but I give you my ABSOLUTE WORD I will come back with AfroPunk and deliver this it is so extremely important to me to connect with the people who have so closely inspired me in so many ways. I can’t thank Afro Punk enough for their support, and to all of the other festivals this past summer/fall who have known about my health, kept it confidential, and gone out of their way to make me feel supported while doing these shows. As a part of the self care that I’ve tried to encourage this past year, it needs to start with myself, and I’m looking forward to doing a better job of this 2018. This past year has been one of the most fulfilling of my life... Performing this record and experiencing the energy exchange with you guys has been astounding, and I’m so excited about continuing to do the work I feel so absolutely humbled and appreciative to be doing next year. It gives me life.

Uma publicação compartilhada por Solange (@saintrecords) em